Found Magazine 2021

2 Our natural environment inspires an abundance of experiences influenced by our beautiful coastal landscapes and the rolling hills of the hinterland. When designing the 2021 edition of FOUND, we wanted to put a magazine together that celebrates the feeling of exploring and rediscovering our backyard. To inspire you to celebrate that right here, on the Mornington Peninsula is a place to help you and your family and friends rejoice in the simple pleasures in life. Whether it is a quiet moment on a sandy beach soaking up the sun or a gathering of family or friends over a shared meal where the quality of produce astounds, we are sure you will enjoy the moment and hope that it inspires you to explore a little further. This edition of FOUND holds sentiment and an abundance of appreciation from us to you, our locals, our family, our friends and our visitors. TIP p24 p44 p36 DON'T MISS DID YOU KNOW? TRY WELCOME When you arrive at the Mornington Peninsula, you realise you do not have to travel far to experience the benefits of being a world away. Every season we have seasonal packages on offer which hero the best tickets or experiences of the season. Try one of our drive itineraries designed especially for you. Do one or do them all! That everyone on the Beer Cider + Spirits Trail produces their product right here on the Mornington Peninsula, in the venue you can visit? The Wine Food Farmgate Trail showcases the best in wine and food across the Mornington Peninsula.